Sunday, May 25, 2008

If you intend on wasting your money....send it to me.

OK, put down the credit cards, put down the 1-888-ord-erme numbers and back away from the infomercials!! The diet and fitness industry is hell bent on making sure that your 1986 Hyundai stays in the driveway and you spend $600 a month on supplements and membership fees in order to look your best........ somehow they never seem to work as described on the TV! WOW! "My god Jim, I'm a doctor not a miracle worker!"

The multi-billion dollar supplement industry (herbal or prepared food products) wants you to keep buying to keep supporting them. What would you say, if I told you........ "They are all full of crap!" How many people things that Jay Cutler (current IFBB Mr.Olympia) uses all of the products he endorses? How many people are starting to realize that even though with all of the miracle products on the shelves....... we're still getting further and further out of shape! How many of you are like me and have tried "everything" and not got very far? Let me tell you right now that with the exception of Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, most of the other weight loss companies can stick it up their..........

There are only three things that your body needs, water, proper nutrition and exercise in order to be happy and healthy. These are all things we need to actively do. I do not include breathing as it just happens, we do not make ourselves breathe.

I am probably more like you than you may think. I love eating, I love sugary snacks, I love potato chips and I really love anything deep fried and coated in salt or chocolate. In a world like ours where everything is fast and do we cope? How do we stay on the straight and narrow? This is where PHOENIX BODYSTYLING comes into play in your life.

We do not charge very much for our services. Nobody here wants to get rich quick or take you for a ride and leave you with nothing. We are hell bent on making you reach your goals and we do it like nobody else. Here's why!

1) Everything is customized for you. No out of the box, one size fits all here, that does not work.
2) Support everyday from day one! If you need a question answered, just ask. We will answer you right away or usually within 30 minutes. E-mail, telephone or carrier pigeon if we have to.
3) No products to buy! NO PRODUCTS TO BUY! We bring everything with us and take it away when were done.
4) No supplements, vitamins or magical herbal remedies to buy.
4) more $100 or $500 or even $1000 a month to spend. Our services start at $4.95 a question. YES....... $4.95 Our e-mail support starts at $19.95 a month.

In approximately 90 days, we will begin to launch our programs to the public and we expect a huge response. Imagine a company that cares as much about you and we do ourselves. That is something that is almost unheard of today.

So, check back often. There will be training sections, nutrition sections, recipe sections and many good things to come. All of this of course............ is FREE. Enjoy and post comments, we try to reply to everyone.

A.J. McAlendin

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