Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Calories In Fruit

Here are the calorie values of fruit, when you eat them, try to keep it under 150-200 calories, but as you can see....YOU CAN EAT A MOUNTAIN OF SOME OF THEM! YUM! Also, fruit has many vitamins, minerals and fiber that will help keep you healthy and regular! Enjoy........although, easy on the apricots, they have A LOT of fiber, so five or six a day is usually plenty.

Apple medium 80
Apricot 30
Avocado medium 324
Banana medium 107
Blackberries 1
Cherry 2.4
Clementine 30
Currants 5
Dates 12.5
Gooseberries 2.6
Grapes 2.4
Grapefruit whole 100
Guava medium 46
Kiwi medium 34
Lemon medium 20
Mango medium 40
Melon whole 110
Nectarines medium 42
Olives 6.8
Orange medium 60
Passion Fruit 30
Peach medium 37
Pear medium 98
Pineapple (1 cup) 75
Plum 25
Prunes 9
Raisins 5
Raspberries 1.1
Strawberries 2.7
Tangerine 26
Watermelon (1 cup) 50

Fresh fruit, fresh ideas!!

AJ Button

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