What the hell is going on out there. Most gyms do not allow chalk on your hands, they do not want you to make any noise, they do not want you to sweat on the equipment and if you dare fart.......OMG, cancellation of membership is in progress.
In the not-so-long-time-ago, a gym was a place to bust your ass.... as loud as you could be. This increased motivation, increased your energy, let you lift more and impress the smaller guys. Chalk filled the air and everyone used bare hands and earned every callous on them.
Arnold is rolling his eyes people!! Let's get more hard core gyms going out there. Metroflex where Ronnie Coleman and so many others have trained are few and far between. Now, most of them are fancy, schmancy and ..... shhhhhhhhh, be quiet like you are at the library.
Join with me! Let's get some hardcore gyms going again. Concrete floors, no carpet, old warehouses will do, no air conditioning and you can use all the chalk you want! If you have allergies to it, you better take a Claritin before coming! Or if you want to complain, stay home or order a Bowflex.
If anyone has a half million dollars around, move to Barrie, open a hardcore gym and let's get the party started!
We need to go back to our roots. Train hard. Work hard. You will get out what you put in. There are no easy answers, no easy solutions, no easy workouts. Jump in with both feet and grunt!
A.J. McAlendin
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