The upright row targets the upper trapezius, middle deltoid and anterior deltoid.
1) Start standing straight with your knees slightly bent to keep pressure off your lower back. Chest out and shoulders back. Hold the barbell with palms of your hands facing your legs. Keep your hands about 10 inches apart, but feel free to vary your grip to allow you to "feel" the exercise.
2) Extend your arms fully down so they are just above your thighs.
3) Make sure your legs are hip-wide with toes slightly pointed out. This will keep you stable and in balance.
4) Inhale as you pull up to the upper chest area. Keep your abs tight.
5) Keep your head in a fixed position. Keep your eyes forward and find a spot to concentrate on.
Start with three sets of 10! Have fun!
A.J. McAlendin
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