Saturday, February 28, 2009

Robert Kennedy : MUSCLEMAG - An Offer Of Pride

I have always read the muscle magazines on the newsstand. The one with the best cover got my money, and most often it was MUSCLEMAG or FLEX. With the recession being what it is, I was hoping to see prices come down on magazines as they are heavily subsidized by all the bull crap advertising for worthless supplements in them. However, upon reading the new issue of MUSCLEMAG (April 2009 edition) I have to say that Robert Kennedy will continue to get my money.

And I quote from page 30: "If you're out of work or otherwise suffering financially, you can send the current issue back to us after reading it and I will personally see that your money is returned in full plus $3.00 to cover your mailing costs."

Sure, it is good advertising, but at least he is offering. I hope all of the fitness magazines offer similar incentives. It is expensive to keep fit and it is nice to know we all have Robert Kennedy in our corner.

A.J. McAlendin

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