Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Children Changing Adults View On Obesity

My daughter recently asked me if sugar is bad for us, why do we buy it? The food industry knows that it is more expensive to eat healthy. So, the cheaper alternatives are full of refined sugars and empty calories. Many of us simply cannot afford to eat as healthy as we would like. This has to change before our society can fully adopt a more healthy lifestyle. It is slowly happening with schools taking out pop machines and candy machines, but still too slowly.

The food in schools around the country is appalling. It is all pre-packaged and not much is made fresh anymore, why, because it is cheaper! The meals are too high in fat, too high in salt and little nutritional value.

It all starts with kids now, when they are young and in the early grades of school. They are taught what is healthy and what is not. Ask any child and they will tell you, very bluntly what is good food and what is junk. So, why do parents not follow through, and instead, confuse them by feeding them junk? Again is goes to expense, it is far more expensive to buy healthy food in the supermarket.

While it is possible to be healthier on a budget, you really need to watch the sales and keep a close eye on your wallet. A 12 pack of kraft dinner (they now have whole wheat noodles as well, yeah for that!) is cheaper than making a healthy meal with vegetables and lean meat sources...... and you get 12 meals out of the 12 pack, not just one.

The food industry should not hold profit higher than health, but this is the reality. We need to send a clear message to the McDonalds and Burger Kings of the world that a triple decker cheeseburger has no place in our nutritional plan, not even as a treat! What does it cost now to take a family of 5 to a fast food outlet? $30-40, let me tell you, that CAN buy a great deal of healthier alternatives. I'm not saying give it up completely, but if you go out 4 times a month, that is $100-$120, cut it to 2 x a months and buy $60 of fresh fruit and veggies. YOU CAN DO IT!!

So, look for future blogs on how to eat healthier on a budget and feel free to send me any suggestions! E-mailing me is free!

If you want a telephone consult, please click to the left and book it today. They are only 50% off until July 7.

A.J. McAlendin

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