Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Boost Diabetic Ready To Drink Shakes

Boost now makes a Diabetic geared meal replacement shake in small serving sizes. The great thing is that they are not just for diabetics. They have 16g of protein, 16g of carbs and about 7g of fat. In total about 198 calories, perfect for a snack in between your meals or for a before or after workout drink. A great product for everyone. Vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. I have tried the chocolate and they do taste a little off, but not too bad when really cold. I'll let you know about the other flavours when I get a chance to try them. They run about $8-9 for a 6 pack. Very affordable when you really need a snack and don't want to blow your nutritional plan for the day!

A.J. McAlendin

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