Thursday, August 14, 2008

Let's Talk About Vegetables

RED - red veggies tend to be high in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps muscle recovery and helps boost immune systems. Try beets, radicchio, radishes, red onions, red peppers, red potatoes, rhubarb and all varieties of red tomatoes.

ORANGE & YELLOW - are high in beta carotene as well as vitamin that put the boots to cancer and help your muscles recover. Your heart will thank you! Try squashes, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, yellow peppers and even yellow tomatoes.

GREEN - high in B Vitamins and folate, which is essential for growing muscle cells and can even help nitric oxide production. Try arugula, asparagus, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cucumbers, kale, lettuces, spinach (see Popeye was right!!), swiss chard and zucchini.

WHITE - there is a compound called Allicin, inhibits cortisol and helps boost testosterone production. It fights off cardiovascular disease. Try onions, cauliflower, garlic, jicama, mushrooms, shallots, turnips and parsnips.

AJ Button

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