Friday, September 26, 2008

A Gowing Food Movement - Eating Raw

Why does everything old get new again? I guess we forget that humanity has always eaten raw, some have been vegan and some not. Some decided that due to resources, rice is a staple and others potatoes or pasta.

So, this eating raw movement is nothing new. This is the way people were meant to eat. They began cooking food for variety and texture difference, but all in all, raw is better. The less processed our food is, the lower the risk of sickness. When we cook things, we denature the chemicals in the food and sometimes destroy vital nutrients.

Am I saying not to cook things? No. The message I am trying to get across is that as close to raw is better for you. Eat well, live well. There is nothing more simple than that. Keep the processed food to a minimum. Go to farmers markets and buy fresh for cheaper than the grocery store. Try to stick with organic if you can, but by simple eating as fresh and healthy as we can, we will all live better.

Keep watching those calories as ANY extra calories, regardless of source, that are not used are stored in the body. This can result in weight gain.

A.J. McAlendin

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