Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Eating At The Wrong Time Of The Day


"The researchers next plan to investigate the molecular mechanisms behind their observation that eating at the "wrong" time can lead to weight gain."

Many people who overeat, in my opinion, are lacking something that allows them to say "NO". Psychotherapy may be the answer for these people as the therapist will address why you overeat and find any underlying reason for the behavior.

Others may simply be eating at the wrong time of the day. Typically we need more carbohydrates in the beginning of the day and less towards the end of the day. Eating after 7:00pm is typically a no no, but if you are working out hard, you can benefit from a small protein meal to help your body grow.

North Americans find themselves eating from the time they get home, through dinner, and then hop right into snacking. Do you know how easy it is to eat an extra 2000 calories a day and not even know it!! A couple glasses of pop, chips with dip and a chocolate bar and you are just about there. Keep yourself busy, get a hobby or start a blog to keep you busy.



Thursday, September 3, 2009


I have added a search box to the menu on the right. Use it to search this blog for topics you are interest in. It works really well! Try it and let me know how it works for you............

A.J. McAlendin

Damn, it did not work for me!? (repost)

I love reading ads for the latest and greatest diet pill. I chuckle, laugh and even find myself rolling on the ground when I read the crazy ad claims.

"The most potent fat burner in history!"
"Works better than liposuction!" - That's a funny one!
"Nothing stronger!"
"Works like magic!"
"Formulated from a secret egyption formula!" - Ohhhh, ahhhh!
"Revolutionary formula melts fat instantly!" - Holy crap!

Then we have the testimonials!

"I lost 40lbs in two months!" - They did not tell you she was hospitalized for a stomach parasite! LOL

"My colon has never been cleaner!" - Not touching that one! Ewe!

Ok, I am getting carried away! You get the point. I never get tired of reading the humour found in those ads. I hope you learn to do the same thing.

We all know deep down that the lies they tell are fiction. There is little fact in them, but they need to sell those products to pay the bills and need to stretch the truth as far as they can.

A proper nutritional plan will help, exercise seals the deal. That is the only proven method to get the body you want. So, do the fat loss pills really work? Yes. The problem is that they only give you a slight edge, as long as you are working out and eating properly.

If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. If you take in fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight. There are some exceptions, but this is the truth in a nut shell.

Save your $50 a month and go see a personal trainer to help keep you motivated. Spend $29 a month and have me motivate you. Take your spouse or better half out for dinner instead. Don't buy the pills and powders until you need them.

The people in the ads are not typical and everyone burns fat off at a different rate. That is why they put the disclaimers on the labels.

"Individual results may vary."

"Models results not typical."

"Your results may not be as dramatic as the people shown on the screen."

Your genetics dictates everything. You can tweek it a bit, but for the most part, if you were not meant to be a bodybuilder, you won't! However, you may still be able to get to a great physique through lots of hard work.

You can do it! If you need help, just ask.

A.J. McAlendin

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

If You Can't Feel It....... Your Doing It Wrong!!

The mind/muscle connection cannot be overstated. If you cannot feel the muscle working, vary your grip, try a new angle, try a new exercise. Once you see the muscle working, try to squeeze it to feel it! Remember it! You will get better results and cut your workout time down.

If you can't feel it, you are doing it wrong!

Give it hell!
