Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Build Muscle & Lose Fat At The Same Time?

Can you build muscle and lose fat at the same time? Sure you can, in fact, the body is in a constant battle on both these issues. You are storing, losing fat right now, you are building and breaking down muscle right now!

The questions are:

1) Which do you want to be more effective doing? Gaining muscle is fairly easy. Eat more calories (quality, not junk) and lift heavy, low reps and most people will gain muscle.

If you want to lose fat, cardio on an empty stomach in the morning works for many people, but eating right and burning more calories than you consume is the general rule.

2) How much time do you have on your hands?

If you are trying to do both by doing weights, then cardio, your body will have a mixed signal of what you are doing. So, let's tackle both, but on different days.

Typically, you can do weights three times a week and cardio three time a week. Try to keep it to 60 minutes or less for each session. Always make time for a day or two off to recover. Your body grows and repairs best at rest.

If you are happy with your muscle level, then keep the weights about the same and increase cardio. If you want more muscle, keep the reps lower and increase the weight. Decrease cardio.

These are general rules and do not apply to everyone. Get your personal trainer on the phone and set up an appointment. Have them perform a fitness analysis based on your goals.

Week by week they fine tune your program and help you get the results you want in the quickest amount of time.

Your body is unique!! We personal trainers know that, so we do not just give you a workout to follow and revisit you in 3 months. Every week we adjust and try new things based on your strengths and weaknesses.

So, do you want to build muscle or lose fat? Or both? Easy, ask your trainer, or e-mail today and let's work on it together!!

A.J. McAlendin

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Build Muscle and Lose Fat at the same time?"My answer to this nice question is definitely yes!!If you really have perseverance on what you are doing, then you could develop or build your muscle and at the same time you will lose fat!!But the best thing that we should do in order to achieve this goal is to hire a personal trainer because they know what best for us!!

phoenix personal fitness