Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Calories In Fruit

Here are the calorie values of fruit, when you eat them, try to keep it under 150-200 calories, but as you can see....YOU CAN EAT A MOUNTAIN OF SOME OF THEM! YUM! Also, fruit has many vitamins, minerals and fiber that will help keep you healthy and regular! Enjoy........although, easy on the apricots, they have A LOT of fiber, so five or six a day is usually plenty.

Apple medium 80
Apricot 30
Avocado medium 324
Banana medium 107
Blackberries 1
Cherry 2.4
Clementine 30
Currants 5
Dates 12.5
Gooseberries 2.6
Grapes 2.4
Grapefruit whole 100
Guava medium 46
Kiwi medium 34
Lemon medium 20
Mango medium 40
Melon whole 110
Nectarines medium 42
Olives 6.8
Orange medium 60
Passion Fruit 30
Peach medium 37
Pear medium 98
Pineapple (1 cup) 75
Plum 25
Prunes 9
Raisins 5
Raspberries 1.1
Strawberries 2.7
Tangerine 26
Watermelon (1 cup) 50

Fresh fruit, fresh ideas!!

AJ Button

Skinny Cow? Who You Callin' Skinny?

Has anyone tried the Skinny Cow line of frozen treats? They have ice cream sandwiches and ice cream bars!! A nice little snack at about 100 calories, 1g of fat and also have 4g of fiber. Who knew chocolate could taste sooooooooooo yummy and be guilt free! If you have not eaten for an hour, you could even eat two of them and not even feel bad about it! Your body will blow through those calories in no time!!

A.J. McAlendin

Have Your Cake And Eat It Too

Wanna have a snack? I often turn to the Weight Watchers magazines for ideas on how to snack sensibly. With their points system, they compare different desserts and offer a variety. One that my wife enjoys serving is as follows:

1) 1 - 2 inch thick slice of angelfood cake, (or the round, single serving ones)
2) Fresh berries
3) Low calorie whipped cream or whipped topping.

You can just pile it together and chow down or cube the angelfood and make it parfait style.

Either way, it tastes amazing, satisfies the sweet tooth and really makes you feel like you have had something naughty.

A.J. McAlendin

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hard Work Critical For Fat Loss

In order to lose weight, most people will cut calories and increase exercise moderately. This usually ends with a few pounds lost and then the body stops and adjusts. All in all it ends in failure. Losing fat and looking tight requires intense training and nutritional planning. IT IS NOT EASY!

A study at Skidmore College in New York found that people who ate a higher protein diet (about 40% of calories from protein) lost more bodyfat than those on a regular diet and trained moderately. The high intensity group also had greater decreases in cholesterol, LDL and blood pressure. It also is shown to reduce the risk of heart attack.

As with any changes in your nutritional and exercise plans, check with your doctor and have a full exam. Make sure your doctor is aware of what you are doing and that way he/she can monitor your progress as well.

People who choose a motivational/personal training service (like ours) has been shown to increases results 30-50% quicker than doing it alone. It's always nice to have someone in your corner!!

A.J. McAlendin
Coming soon: www.fitclub.ca

Is Creatine Safe?

Creatine monohydrate was first discovered in 1832 and only reached popularity as a supplement in the early 1990's. It is made in the body as well. The kidneys, liver and pancreas make creatine from arginine, glycine and methionine. It builds strength and increases muscle mass. It has also been shown to help patients with neuromuscular diseases as well. Start with 5g before your workout and 5g after your workout and 5g in the morning on days you do not workout. This level has been shown to be safe up to 15g a day. It is not known if increasing above 15g a day can do harm.

There is no current proof that creatine monohydrate supplementation causes muscle strain, muscle cramps, heat injuries or any other side effect.

-Regulatory Toxicology Pharmacology, 45:242-251, 2006'

A.J. McAlendin
Coming soon: www.fitclub.ca

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Exercise Cuts Colon Cancer Risk

Researchers found that men and women who exercised every day (one hour) for a year, cut their risk of of colon polyps and colon cancer. It may prevent cancer by lowering insulin levels.

Insulin is the strongest tissue building hormone in the body. It triggers the movement of amino acids into all of our cells and stimulates our genes to make new proteins (this includes cancer growth).

Basically, lower your sugar intake to cut insulin spikes, exercise regularly every day and avoid trans fats for the biggest cancer fighting effort.

A.J. McAlendin
Coming soon: www.fitclub.ca

Fiber : How Does Fiber Keep You Moving?

High fiber foods cause irritation in the inner lining of your intestines. This causes it to secrete mucus that lubricates and makes it easier to move down the line. How much is enough fiber? Generally, for every 1000 calories you should get about 14g of fiber. They used to say 25g a day is plenty, but doctors now recommend up to 40g a day.

If your fiber intake is low, do not increase it right away. Add 5g a day for a week, then add some more every week until you get to the right number for you. Aim for between 28-40g a day.

Too much fiber can causes cramping and diarrhea!

Drink lots of water as well to help propel waste out of your body!

A.J. McAlendin
Coming soon: www.fitclub.ca

Fitness Challenge

Put on a high energy CD and start dancing!! Start with one song, then another, then another and another.......aim for 20 minutes and work your way up to 45. The best part of dancing is that you can slow the intensity and increase it any time you like. If you feel out of breath, slow down.

Have fun!

A.J. McAlendin
Coming soon: www.fitclub.ca

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Supplement Spotlights: Bee Pollen & Human Growth Hormone

Bee Pollen - is a power pack of vitamins, minerals and protein. It also has high levels of RUTIN. RUTIN helps capillaries and blood vessels stay in shape!!

Human Growth Hormone - This is all over the news and it seems anyone with money it trying it! It is the new anti-aging, fountain of youth drug. Our body produces it naturally during the day and especially when we sleep. We can enhance this production with exercise and nutrition.

It is a potent fat burner and lean muscle builder. However, it has been shown to increase a mans risk of prostate cancer. It also costs hundreds of dollars per injection, but for those who can afford the expense, the benefits outweigh the risks.

Realize that there are no long term studies on it and if you do use it, it must be prescribed by a doctor and also you should get routine blood work and exams to see how you tolerate it.

A.J. McAlendin

Fat Burning Supplements - Essentials

1) Caffeine: lights the fat burning fire, it is a stimulant, try 300 mg before a workout for better performance. Coffee, tea and cocoa all contain caffeine.

2) Green Tea: showing to be a fat burning pro, try 3-5 cups a day or take capsules x 2, three times a day.

3) Water: aim for 3 liters of water a day. Your body cannot burn fat without it!

This is really all most people need to enhance the body's ability to burn fat. Combined with proper nutrition and exercise and it is the knockout combo.

A.J. McAlendin

Another Smoothie Recipe

Who does not need another one! They are great for a quick snack, meal or post workout supplement! Drink em up and even make them for parties and get togethers!

1 cup of frozen blueberries
1/2 cup sugar free yogurt
2/3 cup of skim milk
1 tbsp lemon or lime juice
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (or match to your frozen fruit)
1 tbsp ground flax seeds or 1 teaspoon flax oil (Udo's Oil is great too!)
2-3 ice cubes

Feel free to use any frozen berry or fruit. Most will work just fine. Put it into a blender and blend well.

A.J. McAlendin

Inspirational Quotes

Print these out and put them everywhere you visit. Keep them in your bathroom, in your wallet, or in the car. Read them often for support.

"The difference between the impossible and the impossible lies in a persons determination." Tommy Lasorda.

"Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly." Stephen R. Covey.

"Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." Henry Ford.

"Fall seven times, stand up eight." Japanese Proverb.

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." T.S. Elliott.

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing...that's whey we recommend it daily." Zig Ziglar.

Stay motivated!

A.J. McAlendin

Why Change Your Lifestyle?

"When the pain of being fat finally outweighs the pleasure of eating, that's when motivation translates into action." Keith Klein, Institute of Eating Management.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein.

"Once you acknowledge that you are where you are because of your choices and decisions, then you'll realize that you also have the ability to make different, and better, choices." Chris Cander, Oxygen Magazine, Winter 2007.

My mantra that my clients keep hearing also speaks volumes. If changing is soooooo hard, why change your lifestyle? Nobody says you have to change everything at once. My mantra is:

"Small changes today lead to big changes tomorrow." A.J. McAlendin

You have your own reasons for losing fat. You have your own reasons for building muscle, or gaining fat as well. Whatever the reason, just do it! Start today! When you are ready I will be here to help.

A.J. McAlendin

Product Spotlight: Dymatize Nutrition Elite Oats 'N More

Those who have changed to a healthier lifestyle know how hard it is to plan ahead and prepare healthy meals. I always preach that food is best, but sometimes we simply need a quick and easy meal. I am always trying new products that will allow us to do that. Whether it is BSN Syntha-6 protein supplement or Labrada Lean Body Bars, there are many great products worth trying to include in your lifestyle plan.

Todays find is from Dymatize Nutrition, Elite Oats 'N More. It comes in a canister with 9 packs in it and has 4 flavors. Brown Sugar Cinnamon, Granola Crunch, Apple Spice, and Sunrise Cocoa. Their ad speaks for itself.

" Power packed, cutting edge and absolutely delicious!....you get rich, hearty oatmeal and an added 34-36 grams of our famous Elite Protein.

Instead of fueling up with only simple carbs, get a quick and easy boost of energy with protein and the natural goodness of whole oats.

Our 4 mouth watering flavors.....make Elite Oats 'N More a welcome and nutritious meal any time of the day."

Try a different flavor every week to keep it interesting. Click on the Bodybuilding.com link on the right and order some today. Yes, if you do click and order some, I will get commission. Just so you know!

A.J. McAlendin

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Making Every Workout Count

What training style should you use? There is high volume, heavy, light, moderate, short rest periods, long rest periods, slow reps, fast reps and everything in between. So, which is best for you? All of them!

When you try something new and overload a muscle or group of muscles, the body is forced to adapt. Adaptation = progress. There is no "one" way to grow muscle perfectly as everyone has a different genetic profile. Some gain quickly, some slowly, and some find it almost impossible.

How do you find out what works? You have to try it for a period of time and measure the results. This is what I do with my clients, we take a picture before and then start a program for 6-8 weeks and measure the results. If it is working, then continue with it, if it is not working, look at what else can be altered.

This is the one major difference from myself and other fat loss type programs, I make everything individual. The basics are the same for everyone, but when you get down to the 6-8 weeks after beginning the Phoenix Bodystyling Lifestyle program, you now need personal attention catering to your body and your needs.

Many programs will have you lose 10 or 20 pounds very quickly and then the progress stops. So after 3 months, you get frustrated, lose interest and gain the weight back. When you give Phoenix a try, you will lose 1-2 pounds a week (if fat loss is your goal) and it will be consistent and stay off. You will stay motivated, you have this blog, my e-mail address and the ability to ask any question anytime. There are great things coming as well.

1) A new web-site for everyone, with a members only area with video exercises, demonstrations, lessons and product demonstrations.
2) A new discussion board where you can interact with other clients all over. You can share ideas and recipes etc. Topics will be posted and everyone will get their stay.
3) E-Mail newsletter full of interesting information sent every week to keep you motivated and we will even look at motivational music to help you in your workouts.

So, try everything and learn what it does to your body. Stick with what works for YOU and discard what does not work. We all have busy lives, so let's not waste time with things that may not work for you.

E-Mail me today: muscleman210@yahoo.ca

E-Mail support is free until August 1st, 2008 so get on board and get in gear! It's never too late to start!

A.J. McAlendin

Saturday, July 12, 2008

High-Protein Diets May Promote Weight Loss By Depressing Appetite

By Katrina Woznicki,
Published: July 27, 2005
Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco

SEATTLE, July 27-It seems that it may be the high-protein--the byproduct of a low-carb diet--that is key to promoting weight loss by boosting satiety, researchers here reported.
Action Points

* Inform patients that diets high in protein may lead to moderate weight loss by boosting satiety.

* Discuss with patients that the key to potential weight loss is to consume a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, and fat rather than eliminating any main food group.

Cutting carbs may not even be necessary, said David S. Weigle, M.D., a professor or medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine here and colleagues. The idea is to boost protein intake.

Comparing different diets, all with the same percentage of carbohydrates, the researchers found that satiety was significantly higher when daily intake was almost one-third protein. The participants even lost weight on a diet of 30% protein, 20% fat, and 50% carbohydrates, according to the study in the July American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

For two weeks, 19 healthy individuals were placed on a weight-maintaining 2,000-calorie diet that consisted of 15% protein, 35% fat, and 50% carbohydrates.

Then for the next two weeks in another 2,000-calorie diet, protein was doubled, replacing some of the fat. The participants ate a high-protein diet, consisting of 30% protein, 20% fat, and 50% carbohydrates.

Finally, these diets were followed by 12 weeks of a diet in which they were allowed to eat as many calories as they wanted, but had to consume the same percentages of protein (30%), fat (20%), and carbohydrates (50%) as in the high-protein diet.

The study excluded individuals with a body mass index of 30 or higher, those who did aerobic exercise for more than 30 minutes three times a week, and those who used tobacco, alcohol, or had diabetes or any other medical condition.

During the study, all participants kept a daily diet diary and were asked to rank their responses to the questions "How hungry have you felt between meals today?" and "How full have you felt after eating meals today?"

In addition to the food logs, the investigators collected blood samples at the end of each diet to measure any changes in insulin, leptin, and ghrelin levels.

Satiety was greatest during the two weeks on the high-protein diet despite no significant change in leptin levels at this point, the researchers reported.

"The subjects reported a clear decrease in hunger and an increase in fullness during weeks three and four after the transition to the isocaloric high-protein diet," Dr. Weigle and colleagues reported. This rise in satiety was confirmed by a drop in spontaneous caloric intake of 494 ± 74 kcal/d within 24 hours of starting the 12-week high-protein ad libitum diet, they wrote.

Even during this phase, during which participants ate as many calories as they wanted while maintaining the 30% protein intake, they took in an average of 450 fewer calories per day and lost almost five kilograms (about 11 pounds) overall.

During the ad libitum phase, the researcher found hormonal changes: Leptin levels decreased, and ghrelin levels increased. Fat mass declined by 3.7± 0.4 kg.

How the high-protein ad libitum diet produced these effects is unclear, the researchers said. But it appears protein plays a role.

Doubling dietary protein while keeping carbohydrates a constant "produces a sustained decrease in ad libitum caloric intake that may be mediated by increased central nervous system leptin and results in significant weight loss," they wrote.

The results, they said, "suggest substituting protein for fat in the diet may lead to greater weight loss than can be obtained by substituting carbohydrate for dietary fat."

In an accompanying editorial, Arne Astrup, M.D., of the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University in Copenhagen, agreed that the study showed protein is more satiating than fat and carbohydrates. Yet he, too, said scientists do not know how protein increases satiety.

The study found "that the effect could not be explained by changes in the hunger hormone ghrelin or in the satiety hormone leptin," Dr. Astrup wrote.

High protein recommendations are centerpieces of fad diets like the Atkins Diet, The Zone, and The South Beach Diet, and there is some evidence showing these approaches have led to moderate weight loss, Dr. Astrup said.

"Should we advise the public to increase their intakes of meat and dairy products?" he asked. "The answer depends on the potential adverse effects of a high-protein diet."

Primary source: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Source reference:
Weigle et al, "A high-protein diet induces sustained reductions in appetite, ad libitum caloric intake, and body weight despite compensatory changes in diurnal plasma leptin and ghrelin concentrations," AJCN, July 2005; 82; p. 41-48.

Another great article from a couple years ago, but the information does not change!

A.J. McAlendin

Exercise Challenge

For today's exercise challenge, put your back to the wall and let yourself slide down into a sitting position. Hold for as long as you can without swearing up a storm and stand back up again. Walk around and repeat up to 10 times.

The next day, please do not e-mail me threatening to hunt me down. You will find muscles that you did not know existed. This is great for the whole thigh and glute area. Try squeezing each muscle and feeling it to help develop your mind muscle connection.

If you can feel it working...... then it IS working!

Take care!

A.J. McAlendin

Super Protein..... ummmm..... err.... JELLO!?

Run out and stock up on Jello! Why? Besides the fact it tastes super great, you can add stuff to it! Try adding a scoop of protein (the fruit flavored kind, not the vanilla, chocolate kind.....ewe!) While you prepare it, add it after you add the cold water. Mix it with a hand mixer or a whisk. Throw it in the fridge and you have just about fat free, sugar free, high protein snacks that you can take a bite of anytime!

Try it and tell me what you think?

A.J. McAlendin

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Let's go with the pop bottle challenge. How long can you hold a full bottle of pop? Grab a calorie reduced 2 litre bottle of pop and hold it in your hand. Voila! You now have a dumbbell you can use to exercise with.

Try the following: Hold it like a dumbbell.

1) Bicep Curls 3 sets of 20 reps or until your bicep starts to burn. Do each arm.
2) Overhead Press 3 sets of 20 reps or until your shoulders are screaming at you. Do each arm.
3) Bend over at the waist and row that pop bottle! Do 3 sets of 20 for each arm!

There, pop is GOOD for you! Perform this cycle three times and then have a glass.

A.J. McAlendin


The Canadian Diabetes Association has 10 tips for creating healthy, tasty meals! We could all use some help in this area. Here they are and below is a link to their site as well!

Preparing food that both tastes good and is good for you is not a magic trick. A few simple meal planning and preparation tips will help you to produce healthy, delicious food that your family will love.

1. Take a few minutes each week to plan your menus.
This will allow you the time to schedule a quick and easy meal on Wednesday when Jimmy plays hockey and a late dinner on Thursday because of a parent-teacher interview. As well, you will be able to try a new recipe or ensure that a favourite is served more often.
2. Cruise the grocery store with a list.
A grocery list will ensure that you bring home everything you need to prepare the tasty and nutritious meals you planned—and help you to not load up on unneeded items, whether its chips or an extra bottle of ketchup. This simple trick list will usually save you money by helping you to avoid impulse buys and ensure that you have everything your family needs on hand.
3. Choose seasonal produce and pick the brightest colours that you can.
Buying fruits and vegetables in season lets you enjoy peak flavour at modest cost. Buy asparagus in the spring, peaches in the late summer, and apples in the fall. When the price of fresh produce is high, frozen fruit and vegetables are usually an economical choice. Canned fruit and vegetables are another alternative, but be aware of the sugary syrups and higher salt content.
Fruits and vegetables provide lots of vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy at a very modest calorie cost. In general, the darker the colour, the higher the nutrients (think bright red peppers, or dark green broccoli).
4. Equip your kitchen for low fat food preparation .
This needn't be expensive and you can gather the pieces one at a time. A steamer for vegetables helps retain their flavour and nutrients without added fat; a pan with rack allows the fat to drip away from meat to help you achieve low fat, flavourful cooking. Sharp knives allow you to remove the fat easily and slice meat thinly; non-stick cookware lets you to brown or saute without added fats or oils.
5. Use cooking methods that do not add extra fat to the dish .
Steamed vegetables are especially flavourful when herbs are added to the steaming liquid. Broiled or grilled meats are lower in fat and develop a rich golden colour that adds visual and taste appeal. Baking, especially in a pan with a rack is another low fat cooking method. The microwave allows you to prepare food quickly without added fat. Barbecuing is another lower calorie cooking method.
6. Reduce or eliminate high fat ingredients from your favourite recipes .
Using a non-stick pan means that you can sauté without added fat. Adding tofu, bulgur, or brown rice to casseroles means that you can cut down on the amount of meat that you are using. Using smaller amounts of stronger cheeses decreases the amount of milder cheese needed without sacrificing the flavour. Chilling a soup or stew will allow the fat to rise to the top and congeal for easy removal.
7. Learn to use spices and herbs to kick up the flavour. .
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme are classic herbs that you will savour. Cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg will add a new taste to traditional dishes. Many cookbooks offer advice on using spices and herbs and many recipes on the internet will introduce new tastes.
8. Go vegetarian for a night .
Canada is a multi-cultural country and many cultures feature a wide variety of meatless dishes. Try tofu in a stirfry, or vegetarian chili; try Indian style dahl (lentils) or marinated bean salads; use lentils and kidney beans in your favourite soups. Your creativity will help you to see lots of possibilities.
9. To keep control of your portions, think of the “space on your plate ”.
A well balanced plate will consist of ¼ protein (eg chicken or fish), ¼ starch (eg. rice, pasta, couscous) and ½ vegetables. Add milk to drink and fresh fruit for dessert and you are well nourished at a moderate calorie expense.
10. Double check your serving size .
Most of us are victims of the supersize phenomenon. Research shows that people who are presented with larger containers of food eat more than those consuming snacks from smaller containers. Make this work for you. Eat your dinner on the smaller luncheon plate—your serving will look larger. As well, if you want to “splurge” on some treat, as we all do at some time, think in terms of a single size container: not a whole chocolate bar, but the mini size, not a 200g bag of potato chips, but a 43 g size. This will give you the indulgence of a treat that you want, but allow you to stop while the calorie count is still low.


A.J. McAlendin

Monday, July 7, 2008

How To Start Burning Fat And Taking Control

If any of you are my clients or know someone I have been helping get control of their bodies, you will hear me talk about taking control of yourself again. In this age of quick and easy, we have lost the ability to listen to what our bodies are telling us. Our body tells us when it is hungry, not stomach gurgles, not growls, but actual hunger.

Have you ever had to skip a meal and then you start feeling a little queasy, you know something is not right. That is the body telling you it is time to eat! Now, you eat a crappy meal from a fast food place, too much fat and sugar, and you start to feel nasty! That is your body telling you....."Dude....that was nasty!" If we start trying different foods and listening to see what it does to each of our individual bodies, you will learn what works and does not work for you.

That is why I tailor everything to fit your body, your life and your lifestyle! It has to be "just for you!" A one size fits all does not work for most people and if it does start to work, it will eventually stop working.

Take control and learn about what food does to the body. When you feel gross, look at what you ate and figure out why? Maybe you are sensitive to the simple carbs in the soda, it spiked your insulin, you got a great sugar rush and now you can barely lift your lazy head off the couch!

Web Md has a great article on how your body works and how to start a new plan for better health. Read it and come back and read my other posts, exercise challenges and other articles......LEARN WHY YOU ARE YOU! This is the key to lasting weight loss and lasting gains in the gym!

You can do it!


A.J. McAlendin

Sunday, July 6, 2008


If you refer a client to me and they agree to sign on, I will give you a free 30 minute telephone consult! I've received people asking me about why they should send their friends my way, what is in it for them! Well, greedy people, here you go, 30 minutes on the yapper with me! Ask all your questions and I will answer. If this is still not enough, let me know and I will up the offer!!

A.J. McAlendin

Super Duper Watermelon Soup or Freezie Bars

Hey, do you have those cool make-it-yourself Popsicle things? If not, go to the dollar store and get some, they are really great on a summer day, or when you want a sweet treat. Freeze fruit juice or sugar free cool-aid or crystal light or nestea or whatever you really like! Even chocolate milk!!

How about watermelon?

4 cups seedless watermelon
2 tablespoons lemon juice (fresh is best)
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 tablespoon chopped mint
1 tablespoon honey
A pinch of ginger if you like that taste (I do!)
Also add one scoop of fruit flavored protein powder if you want a protein kick!

Mash and mix it all up until it looks like all the watermelon chunks are gone and the mixture is smooth. Use a food processor if you want to make it quick. Add the protein at the end, a little at a time with a whisk so it does not clump.

You can pour over some low fat frozen yogurt or just in a bowl and eat with a spoon. Make freezer pops for the kids or anyone else with it too.

Experiment with different fruit and don't be afraid to add some UDO's oils as well.


A.J. McAlendin

Raised On Junk Food

I think we were mostly all raised on junk. When our parents went out, they left treats to make us feel better. Food became our best friend and soothed our souls when we were bruised. When we were lonely or depressed, food made us feel good again for a short time.

Fad diets will never be a solution and our medical industry does not want us to be healthy and in better shape! They don't make money that way. So, here I am, losing my own weight, gaining my own muscle, starting to have hatred for Billy Blanks Ultimate Boot Camp......DUDE! OUCH!! The point is, I am changing one person at a time, I started with myself and now I am moving on to anyone who wants the help. Let's put greed out of business. We all know what healthy is, we just need a kick in the right direction.

Let's get started!

A.J. McAlendin

Exercise Challenge!

Today I would like to suggest a new one that will have you a little off balance. Be very careful and I will not be held liable if you fall on your butt and hurt your pride or anything else for that matter!

Walking backwards up the stairs! Make sure you have a railing to hang on to for support and walk up the stairs backwards, come down the regular way and repeat. Aim for 10 minutes of this back and forth process and you will use the muscles in the back of your legs you never knew were there! Good luck!

A.J. McAlendin

Breathing Through Nose or Mouth?

When weight training always breath out through your mouth. It creates extra pressure in the abdominal area to support the lifting movement. When doing cardio and other exercise types like yogo or pilates, breath out through your nose. This tends to calm the nervous system and gives you better control over your air needs.

The most important thing to remember is to NEVER STOP BREATHING! Don't hold your breath when weight lifting that is when injuries and blood pressure rises happen!


A.J. McAlendin

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

On Top Of The World Ma!

Why are you doing this? That is the question I was asked today, by a coworker. Why am I not charging lots of money, why am I doing it for free, why am I helping people who cannot afford it and why bother.....? Well, we all have a reason for being here and I have found my reason.

Everyone should be able to access health and fitness information and be guided by someone without months of waiting for referrals. It should be free for everyone, but we do have to make a living at it. Again, I leave nobody out, let me know what you can afford and we will get something to work for everyone.

You can do it! Lose 10 pounds or 500 if you need to, we can all help each other and band together to change this industry that wants to take your money for nothing. I give you knowledge and support, the most important things you need to get the job done. You will reach your goals, and you will have someone by your side supporting you and available at the click of a mouse!


I get in better shape day by day and so can you. I fail and cheat on my nutritional plan and am not perfect. I still want to get into a condition to compete and you can to. Let's git'r'done!

Good health and fitness need not be expensive.

A.J. McAlendin

Boost Diabetic Ready To Drink Shakes

Boost now makes a Diabetic geared meal replacement shake in small serving sizes. The great thing is that they are not just for diabetics. They have 16g of protein, 16g of carbs and about 7g of fat. In total about 198 calories, perfect for a snack in between your meals or for a before or after workout drink. A great product for everyone. Vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. I have tried the chocolate and they do taste a little off, but not too bad when really cold. I'll let you know about the other flavours when I get a chance to try them. They run about $8-9 for a 6 pack. Very affordable when you really need a snack and don't want to blow your nutritional plan for the day!

A.J. McAlendin


When we gain weight (fat) we blame ourselves for various things. Maybe it is blame for eating poorly, eating too much, or just for being weak. Maybe it is for lack of knowledge about our body. Whatever the blame you put on yourself, today....STOP. E-mail me and let's get you back on track and get your goals in place. If you have no goals, how can you plan? If you have no plan, how can you ever hope to succeed? Do it today, quit wasting time, let's work together. I leave nobody out, regardless of income or situation, we'll get something to work.

Depression leads to poor health and other problems, stop the cycle today.

A.J. McAlendin