Sunday, November 30, 2008

Damn It! It Did Not Work For Me!

I love reading ads for the latest and greatest diet pill. I chuckle, laugh and even find myself rolling on the ground when I read the crazy ad claims.

"The most potent fat burner in history!"
"Works better than liposuction!" - That's a funny one!
"Nothing stronger!"
"Works like magic!"
"Formulated from a secret egyption formula!" - Ohhhh, ahhhh!
"Revolutionary formula melts fat instantly!" - Holy crap!

Then we have the testimonials!

"I lost 40lbs in two months!" - They did not tell you she was hospitalized for a stomach parasite! LOL

"My colon has never been cleaner!" - Not touching that one! Ewe!

Ok, I am getting carried away! You get the point. I never get tired of reading the humour found in those ads. I hope you learn to do the same thing.

We all know deep down that the lies they tell are fiction. There is little fact in them, but they need to sell those products to pay the bills and need to stretch the truth as far as they can.

A proper nutritional plan will help, exercise seals the deal. That is the only proven method to get the body you want. So, do the fat loss pills really work? Yes. The problem is that they only give you a slight edge, as long as you are working out and eating properly.

If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. If you take in fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight. There are some exceptions, but this is the truth in a nut shell.

Save your $50 a month and go see a personal trainer to help keep you motivated. Spend $29 a month and have me motivate you. Take your spouse or better half out for dinner instead. Don't buy the pills and powders until you need them.

The people in the ads are not typical and everyone burns fat off at a different rate. That is why they put the disclaimers on the labels.

"Individual results may vary."

"Models results not typical."

"Your results may not be as dramatic as the people shown on the screen."

Your genetics dictates everything. You can tweek it a bit, but for the most part, if you were not meant to be a bodybuilder, you won't! However, you may still be able to get to a great physique through lots of hard work.

You can do it! If you need help, just ask.

A.J. McAlendin

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Healing From Running Injuries

Are you a runner? Running is your life, you really don't want to stop! If you are injured, you can enter a state of depression as you can no longer do that thing you love. You get that high when running, you feel your body setting into a rhythm, your breath syncs in with your feet as they hit the pavement. Bliss.

The good people at WebMD have a great article for you to read on the subject of healing and staying injury free.

A.J. McAlendin

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Be Successful In Your Fitness Goals!

I am so proud of my clients. Denise just e-mailed me and she has lost over 55lbs and now comes in under 200 pounds for the first time she can remember! While she battles on, she has lost some serious weight and wants to get to her goal. Her secret? Trying! Even a small setback is just small, get back on it and do it!

1) Walking is great! Get out and walk for 30 minutes. If you feel like snacking, get out and walk some more. The craving will go away.

2) Plan ahead! Make some meals in advance so you have the time to get to the gym. If you normally make three chicken breasts for the day, make six and save them in the fridge for the next day. You will then have time to get to the gym and get a good workout in.

3) What if you can't walk? What if you can't get around too easily? Simple. Do what you can. If all you can do is lift a can of soup to start for 10 reps, do that. Keep striving for more. We'll be here to help and to praise your efforts.

4) Write it all down! If you say to yourself that you are not going to the gym because your feet are sore, write it down. If your feet are that sore, see a doctor! If your arms are sore, work your legs, just do something!! Write it all down and see how silly some of your excuses are.

5) I'M TELLING!! LOL! Tell everyone you are trying to get healthy! Make it public knowledge and tell them you want them to help you get to your goals. Surround yourself with support and success comes easy.

6) E-mail me and sign up for your own support program. We can e-mail you and call you every day if you need us to. Get your friends to send encouraging e-mails as well!

7) Never say never! Never give up! Your mind put you where you are today and it will put you where you want to be tomorrow.

A.J. McAlendin

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

REMINDERS! Anything works......... Hey, you there! You listening?

What works fastest to lose fat?
What works fastest to lose weight?
What works fastest to look like a greek god?
What works fastest to get in shape?
What works fastest to get in shape to get a girlfriend?
What...........huh........watcha talkin about?

I think I will regularly post some information that many of you will feel is repetition, but I feel that reminders are great ways to keep on track.

1) PILLS, POWDERS, SHAKES, MIRACLE FOODS, and all the other stuff on the health food or sports supplement store shelves are meanst to ASSIST you reach your goals. Are they miracles? NO! Are they expensive? YES! Do you NEED them to lose weight? NO! Insead of paying $300 a months for supplements that you really don't like or do not work anyway, might as well lease yourself a new car! At least you will be getting something out of it!

2) ANYTHING WORKS! As long as you use a program for at least 3 months and do not cut your calories below around 1500-2000 any program will work to lose weight. In order to gain lean muscle mass you should increase your calorie intake by 20-30% to start and check every 3 months to see how you are progressing.

3) WATER! Drink it, enough said, get 3 litres of fresh water a day.

4) DRUGS AND STEROIDS! Use with doctor's supervision and have your blood work done regularly to stay healthy. They are controlled for a reason! Steroids can do wonderful things, but there are side effects and risks that must be respected as well. Your life is not worth a couple years of having a good looking body is it?

5) REST! Get 7-8 hours a night if you can, you will grow like a bad weed and lose fat faster if your body has enough rest time.

A.J. McAlendin

Monday, November 24, 2008

What Do The Experts Take?

I found this very interesting article on the CNN web site and figured I would pass it on to you. Find out what the experts take every day to keep healthy! If they are not taking the latest fad pill, why should you?

A.J. McAlendin

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I'm SORE!!

Just a quick note on over-training and muscle soreness. Is over-training a common problem? YES

Over training is defined for my purpose simply as not allowing proper rest, nutrition and hydration between workouts. So, if you correct these measures, you can almost eliminate over-training. However, our bodies get used to training very quickly, so I still want everyone to take one full week off every three months. This will recharge the batteries and get ready for new growth.

So, you finished working out and a few hours later you start feeling sore, here is what you should do. Simply put, rest, eat, hydrate. You should get at least 8-10 hours of good sleep before the next workout day. Make sure you are keeping protein intake high to support muscle repair and growth. Drink at least three litres of water every day to keep the fluid levels high.

A.J. McAlendin

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Movie Review : WALL-E

Have you watched that cute little robot movie? Did you understand the behind the scenes look at the way society could shape up to be? I saw a few not so subtle, but, right in your face observations.

1) The self destruction of our world due to pollution and neglect. Have we gone too far? Can we save our planet? Only future generations will find out the answer to that one!

2) Robots controlling just about everything and making human jobs obsolete. This happens everyday in our factories around the world. In this movie, the robots even go against the humans and try to avoid giving humanity back it's freedom.

3) We are getting fat and lazy! And we like it! The movie shows that after 700 years of living on the oasis type spaceship, we are all fat, lazy and useless. We can barely walk or take care of ourselves. We have become reliant on the servant robots to keep us over fed and over weight.

However, like all good stories, it ends well. We get back to earth, start to rebuild, we start to eat better and grow our own food. We get our health back and work with the robots to make life better for everyone.

The sad part is, it's right on track. While the world is certainly better in some ways for all of the automation, we also have shot ourselves in the foot. The only saving grace is that we can change anything we want to as long as we have the people and desire to back it up.

I challenge every person out there who cares about their planet and their body to do a few things next year. Your NEW YEAR'S resolutions should include:

1) Plant a garden in the spring and grow some vegetables. Learn the difference in food that is grown without chemicals and pesticides. The difference is HUGE!! Carrots are easy to grow, so are potatoes and corn. Take whatever size chunk of land you can and start growing.

2) If you are not into growing your own veggies, start a garden with flowers and small shrubs. The air could use this little pollution fighters and you will beautify your yard.

3) Walk. Exercise need not be strenuous at all! Just get out and walk to the store instead of driving. Less pollution for the world and a little more exercise for you!

4) Change to CF style bulbs for all of the light fixtures in your home. Once a month, buy a pack for $15 and change what you can. Within a year the whole house will be converted and you will use less electricity and save money at the same time!

5) Get a home water filtration kit and get some aluminum water bottles. The water stays fresh and clean and you don't add more plastic to the landfill and recycling stations. You will also save money. If you go through a 24 pack of bottled water every week for $5, that is $260 a year on water. Get a tap filter and spend about $100 a year or one of the jugs in the fridge and spend about $75 a year.

6) Help others who need help! Try to do one nice thing for someone everyday and expect nothing in return. You will feel better and so will they!

Now, this is not devoted to health and fitness in its entirety, but you will see that all of the 6 things above will help you stay healthy in some way. Your kids will have a great role model and you will have great self esteem.

Also, buy the WALL-E movie and watch it! The hidden meanings are not really hidden, just in your face!!

A.J. McAlendin

You Don't Need To Stretch?

It was common belief that stretching prevented injury in sport, but this may not be so. A study of 361 reports on the subject were reviewed and the Centres For Disease Control and Prevention found no evidence to support this claim.

Instead, warm up by doing that sport activity or exercise slowly at first and build intensity. Pick up the pace and then slow down at the end to cool down.

(Med Sci Sports Exerc, 36:371-378, 2004)

A.J. McAlendin USE IT!

I have always been a fan of bodybuilding and one man sticks out miles ahead of the rest! Lee Labrada. After finishing a successful career in bodybuilding he started his own supplement company that has exploded into a world wide success!! Good for you Lee!

I e-mailed him years ago for free training information and have been a member on his web-site for many years. The best parts of his web-site is that he always has great free downloads! Amazing tools that do not cost anything.

His products are always top notch and you can't go wrong.

Give him a try!

Here is the link to his free downloads!

A.J. McAlendin (Have a great day!)

Friday, November 21, 2008

How Is That Food Diary Coming Along

Food diary`s can help keep you on track, keep you motivated, let you know how much you really eat and keep you accountable to yourself.

I always have new clients begin this process by purchasing a hard cover notebook that can fit in the car or bag and you can bring it with you everywhere. Write down everything, drinks, snacks, junk, good stuff, whatever you put into your body. Then when it comes time to check with your coach or with your health care provider, you have it all there.

There are many articles that have been written on this and every professional in the industry recommends this practice. Give it a try for yourself and see if it works for you!

A.J. McAlendin

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Drugs & Their Dangers, Interactions etc.

Do you want information on a particular drug that you are taking or are thinking of taking? Where do you go to find it? Try the great drug dictionary at USNEWS Healthline. It is a great tool to get the information you need.

Bookmark it and use it!

A.J. McAlendin

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What The Food Industry Does Not Want You To Know!

There is so much information out there regarding health and nutrition! What do you want to read about? I try to pick only the stuff that will help to lead you along a path of better health and fitness. I try to avoid the fiction and bring you the science and truth.

Now, what does the food industry not want you to know? This article is great to read while you are getting ready for another busy week of meal planning and trying to put good food into yourself and your kids.

They spend millions and millions to make bad food look good to kids. How do we stop them? Stop buying it! Choose healthier alternatives and if there are 20 chemicals you cannot pronounce on your back of Cheetos, do not eat them!

Read the whole article and learn a little about what makes the companies out there so rich.

A.J. McAlendin

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Yuck! Fast Food Reality! WHAT ARE YOU EATING?

I was reading an article on the CBC web site and had to share. They were studying to see what the animals were eating before they became fast food. Nasty. Anyway, what really made my hair stand on end was this quote.

"Burger King declined to comment on the study. A spokesman for Wendy's said the company has "very strict procedures in place" to protect animal welfare. McDonald's declined to comment."

So, Wendy's was the only one to at least make a comment. The other two are shaking in fear I guess.

Read the article, please, read it!! Put down the cheeseburger and read it, then you will toss the burger and make some real food.

A.J. McAlendin

Monday, November 17, 2008

P.E.I. Helping Diabetics

Finally a province that is starting to make sense. PEI decided to cover up to 100 test strips for blood sugar monitoring with an $11 deductible on a monthly basis. This will save people around $80 a month to keep up with their diabetes maintenance.

Now, if the other provinces in Canada would follow suit, this would certainly help the senior and low income population deal with this disease.

A.J. McAlendin

Can I Eat Every Hour?

I was asked this question the other day, and I said...."Sure."

How? Well, instead of eating 400 calories every three hours, eat 120 or so every hour. This takes a great deal more planning and attention, but it does have benefits.

If you are leading up to a competition, you could do this type of meal planning for up to about a week before to help lean out. The more your body is fed what it needs it will stop use body fat for energy for short term energy.

Try it and see if this style helps your next event.

A.J. McAlendin

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Preventing Muscle & Joint Soreness

Ease into your workouts. Don't forget to stretch or at least warm-up with easy, slow, basic movements. Your body is like a car in the winter, it will not perform to it's best unless you warm it up a little first.

Try simple things:

10 pushups on your knees
10 calf raises in the standing position
10 body weight squats
5 minutes on the exercise bike at a slow pace

Always incorporate a warm-up set when lifting weights to prepare for heavy lifts. Use proper form and don't forget your pre and post-workout nutrition.

Pre Workout: complex carbs and slow digesting protein
Post Workout: simple carbs and fast digesting protein

A.J. McAlendin

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Lots of cool stuff going on with the web-site. Controls are being refined and articles are being written. Data entry is a continual process and there is a huge amount to do.

I still won't let it go live until it works as well as it can. There are so many variables to consider. So, please keep up the good fight, I promise you will not be dissappointed.

This is a very personal site, very dynamic, no computer generated junk, all hand written, researched material. There is no B.S. only the honest truth. There are no product lines being pushed and I only recommend products I have tried personnaly and do not receive compensation for that so far!! True to you and true to myself.

A.J. McAlendin

What do you want? Make up your mind?

I have to be honest with everyone. There have been a few of my regular clients cancelling their service as they "have other things in life requiring their attention." Ok, fair enough, but I am hoping it is not a cop out because they are giving up!

Don't give up, keep plugging along. I cannot do everything, there is a whole lot of effort that you need to put into this as well. If you are feeling overwhelmed, take a step back for a day or two and then try again, hop back on it and get going.

Remember that I do not leave anyone behind. So, if the price is the issue, we can work on that end of things. This is my living we are talking about here, but my low overhead allows me to make concessions with people. Maybe we reduce to $9.95 a month for a while and then when you are in a better position we go back to regular price. I never ask for contracts or long term committments from anyone, month to month is it.

So, back on track and get it done!

A.J. McAlendin

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


It is not everyday that a great product graces the grocery store shelves. However, this one really takes the cake errrrr, yogurt.

With up to 16g of protein in 1/2 cup of this frozen treat, there is hope for all of us! When you get in the mood for some high fat, high calorie ice cream. Drop down your $6 and pick up a tub of this instead. Better for you and you will feel like a million bucks because you are getting your frozen treat without the guilt.

It has the Health Canada check mark and is made in a peanut free facility, so anyone can enjoy it even if you have nut allergies! Canadian made in Burlington, Ontario. If you do not carry it at your store, get it!

A.J. McAlendin

Monday, November 10, 2008

The World Health Organization : Obesity

Obesity is so prevalent that the World Heath Organization has classified it as an epidemic. Does this not make people worry? Does this not make the politicians shake their heads and wonder what to do? What is the matter with our health care systems in the United States and Canada?

Read more on it at the above link.


We all have our own ideas and methodology in figuring out how to solve the worlds problems. Here is mine.

Step 1 : Introduce junk food bans in all schools across the United States and Canada.
Step 2 : Revamp cafeteria food to be healthy and full of nutrition, not devoid of anything but fat and processed garbage.
Step 3 : Unless medically unable, incorporate physical education for 45 minutes 4-5 days a week for all students.
Step 4 : Revamp current health teachings to focus on health and fitness for life beginning in Junior Grades and right through High School making it mandatory and not an option.
Step 5 : Allow all families to write off gym memberships fully on their taxes, incentive for people to do it.
Step 6 : Pour the wasted tax payers money, the billions spent on surveys wondering if we like our government and whether we prefer coffee to tea and help low income families buy healthy foods.
Step 7 : Make a tax applicable to all junk foods around 20% should do it. This would include fast food chains as well where the entire meal contains more than the recommended per meal allowance of fat and cholesterol and sugar. This money would support the other programs.
Step 8 : If people require surgery or other weight loss programs like the one we offer here at Phoenix Bodystyling, for goodness sake, let them access it and make it easy for them to get funding to pay for it.
Step 9 : Enjoy a healthier world.

Now, maybe I am living in a dream world, but I really think that we are missing the boat. I know that I am no privy to all of the programs our current government is creating, but I also know that enough is not being done!! They are not putting this at the forefront of the agenda. While they debate on whether to increase parking fines, they should be wondering how to increase the healthy of obese Canadians and Canadians who want to get healthy, but lack the funds or support to do so. To our friends in the United States.......join on the fun and fit bandwagon, let's go!

A.J. McAlendin

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Potato Time

Carbs are always getting a bad rap, but why? Because we have been trained to associate carbs with getting fat. Also, we associate carbs with sugary foods and treats. However, do you realize that carbohydrates are a part of everything you eat. Meat, vegetables, fruit all contain different types of carbohydrates.

Pasta, oatmeal, whole grain breads are also carbohydrates, as well as potatoes. Let's look at a potato.

1 medium sized potato
- 110 calories
- fat free
- packed with complex carbohydrates (great source of fuel for the body)
- contains vitamins and minerals, has more potassium than a banana
- affordable healthy food

Carbohydrates do not make you fat. Fats do not make you fat. Protein does not make you fat. Eating too many calories of any of them over what your body needs makes you fat, plain and simple, no bull.

Also, this is my 150th post!

Please visit for more recipes and good things to do with your potato.

A.J. McAlendin

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Eating Breakfast Keeps You Thin

Researchers have found that those who eat a large breakfast wait approximately 4.5 hours between breakfast and the next meal. Those who skip breakfast or eat later in the day waited only 90 minutes from dinner to snack time, overloading the body with calories and leading to weight gain.

Eat a good breakfast high in protein. Protein helps to control hunger.

(Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter, March 2004).

A.J. McAlendin

Cold Weather Walking

What better way to get rid of extra pounds than to walk them away. The problem this time of year is that as the weather gets colder, the less motivation we have to get out and exercise. Walking at minus 40 degrees can be a bit much, but in the cool fall temperatures, it is the perfect time to start tempering yourself for the snow ahead.

1) Keep drinking water, you don't sweat as much in the cold, but your body needs the water anyway! DRINK IT!
2) Dress in light layers, you can always take a layer off when the sun is shining and put it back on when the sun goes into hiding again.
3) Wear a light hat to keep body heat in.
4) If you are walking at night, make sure you have something reflective on.
5) If you find the cold air hurts your lungs, wear a light scarf across your mouth until you become accustomed to it.

Start easy and work up to 5 times a week for 40 minutes for optimum results. Anything is progress, always remember that. YOU CAN DO IT!

A.J. McAlendin

Sorry to burst your bubble Mr. Expert, but no routine is a bad routine....THEY ALL WORK!

A little rant. How many hundreds of products are out there claiming to be the best and most effective exercise machine? How many products claim to be the best pill available to change your life? How many have you bought? How many have worked? Do you look in the mirror and feel that you are the greek god they promised? Did you get the same results promised on the package? WHY NOT!?

Let's make it perfectly clear. ANY piece of machinery works. No machinery works. As long as you are watching your food intake and exercising regularly at a good pace, you will make results. You can lose the fat. You can gain the muscle. You can change your body, guaranteed! The problem is that life gets in the way. Stress is in all of our lives. We are all victims, but we need to change that. Change it today.

Give yourself 90 days. Ask questions, learn about your body, read, read, read. Separate fact from fiction. Look for scientific studies to back up label claims. Look for people who have become successful and surround yourself with them. Never stop learning, never stop eating right, and never stop exercising. In a world that is getting lazier and lazier, we can still turn the tide, turn off the TV, turn off the computer and get some exercise. When good health is becoming a minority we have a crisis on our hands.

So, just do something and you can achieve anything.

A.J. McAlendin

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Make Your Own Protein Bars

Hey why not cap off this series with some great recipes for protein bars. The protein brownies are pretty good, but watch the cooking time.

Variety is required when living a healthy lifestyle these days. Too many fast food stops along the way if you ask me. Christmas is coming so bake some up and see if anyone notices eating a little healthier for Christmas this year.

A.J. McAlendin

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I was a little alarmed when looking at Yahoo Answers and someone was asking if they were obese at 5 foot 6 inches tall and 150 pounds!! What is going on? The young kids out there do not know the meaning of over weight, and obese and the confusion on the facts is staggering. The educational system is failing our kids by leaving out information.

One teacher has told me that they leave out certain parts in health class so as to not make the "chubby" kids feel uncomfortable. Ok, we are failing our children as well by not sending them out to play, buying them video games and not monitoring the time they spend on them. Here are some guidelines to get kids more active!!

1) Give them 45 minutes a day to play computer or video games.
2) Give them chores to do around the house.
3) Buy extra shovels for the winter and make shoveling a family thing.
4) Make TV a one show a night option for the kids.
5) Teach them to cook healthy meals and snacks. Kids love to cook!
6) Take your kids outside to play every day.
7) Take them to the grocery store and teach them about healthy choices.

Our kids have the ability to change the world, let's let them!

Here is a great article by Clayton South. This man has a great deal of experience and knowledge and is well worth the read.

A.J. McAlendin

Make Your Own Energy Drinks

While we are on the topic of making your own supplements, why not try your own energy drinks. Simple, effective and great to drink while working out to keep that fire burning. Also, making them yourself will save you money and they are better for you.

Ignore the ad for hornet juice the recipes are fine, but try the product if you like and let us all know if it is a high quality product.

A.J. McAlendin

Monday, November 3, 2008

Make Your Own Energy Bars

Why spend a fortune on good quality energy bars? Why not make your own. Make them in advance, keep them in the fridge or even freeze them and have them on hand all the time. There will be no excuse to binge on sweets with these alternatives.

Try them out and add different ingredients. Good energy and good for you.

A.J. McAlendin

Sunday, November 2, 2008

H.I.T. Popularity Growing

Want to get a hard body in record time? Give HIT (High Intensity Training) a try! The theory is that if you put the body through very short, intense training, you will get better results. If you Google Casey Viator you will find out what I mean. He gained over 40lbs of muscle in a short time following a lay off after an accident. Keep in mind that he was an experienced bodybuilder and the body is capable of returning to contest size quite quickly as the body "remembers" how it was before.

It gives you an idea of what the human body is capable of. Imagine if you put that effort in for 90 days, ate right, and added in some cardio. You could easily change your life!!

If you would like a more elaborate explanation on HIT, there are many different forms, but they all end in one thing! MUSCLE!

E-mail me if you want a program for yourself to try. There is only one working set per body part. Less is more. Give it a try and you will see for yourself.

Like any workout, the more you do it, the more the body gets used to it. Train with HIT for a month or two and then go back to your regular workout or even take a week completely off and rest, then resume.

The point is that ANY exercise works, you just have to DO IT!

A.J. McAlendin